#25 対話は人として成長するための試練



It wasn’t the day of silence anymore, but I wanted to keep silent because it seemed so much better not to say anything and not to hear any words from Don. More peaceful that way. 

Maybe I need to learn while I’m talking to people. Maybe, talking is a trial to become a better person…but it’s just hard. I’d rather not speak and keep silent all day…

It was a day for YOGA. I got up at about 11am because I stayed up late last night. I used the internet for many hours, I think. I just relaxed for a while. We left the house to go to YOGA at around 15:30.

We took the YOGA lesson, then went to an Italian restaurant that we saw the night(day) before. The cocktail, San Francisco, was nice. The name of the restaurant was TUCCO, I think. I had frutti di mare ペスカトーレ and tiramisu. They were nice!!